(Denazen #2)
Jus Accardo
Release Date:
October 16 2012
My Personal Copy
Reading Level:
Young Adult
When a Six saved Kale's life the night of Sumrun, she warned there would be consequences. A trade-off. Something taken for the life they gained. But Dez never imagined she'd lose the one thing she'd give anything to keep... And as if it's not enough Dez finds her immunity to Kale fading, the Six bought in to help Kale learn to control his killer touch starts drooling on him the moment they meet. Worse than that? Jade can touch Kale. But bimbo Barbie is the least of Dez's problems.
After Dez and Kale got away at Sumrun, her father lost not only his most powerful weapon but an important piece of the Supremacy project. Forced by Denazen to remedy the situation, he poisons Dez and offers her a choice--surrender to Denazen for the cure...or die. Determined to find a solution that doesn't involve being bagged and tagged--or losing someone she loves--Dez keeps the poison a secret. But when a rash of Denazen attacks hit a little too close to home, Dez is convinced there's a traitor among them. Jade.
Sacrifices, broken promises, and secrets. Dez will have to lay it all on the line if there's any hope of proving Jade's guilt before they all end up residents of Denazen. Or worse, dead...
'Kale was trained for this kind of thing. Breaking and entering. Sneak attacks. All-around ninja stuff. Alex could name each member of every nineties alternative band ever formed. Kale could kick all their asses. It just was what it was.'
I really liked book 1, Touch, in this series, but I cannot say the same for Toxic. There was a serious lack of action, unless you count all the plant killing. Dez spent most of the book whining and being jealous instead of taking care of the problems at hand.
The thing I liked most about this book is probably the creepy twins who work for Denazen, Able and Aubrey. I liked their powers and their sinister attitudes, even though I do not think I was supposed to like them. I was surprised to find out who the actual traitor was, but the rest of the book was just 'meh'. I have a strong feeling of dislike towards Jade. She continuously had a crappy stuck up attitude, and I really hope she isn't in the next book. I also hope there is more of Alex. I really like him, even though I cannot figure out why. He isn't a major character, and he has done some pretty bad things. I guess I can still see the good in him.
I will still buy and read book 3 when it comes out. For some reason the second book in a series always seems to bore me, so before I call it quits I want to give it one more shot.

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